Thursday, February 14, 2008

Session 7

There are two topics we will be covering in session 7. One will be "practicing close readings of text" and there is nothing to prepare for this! The other is analyzing awards for diverse literature, and the preparation for this that I brought up in class Wednesday is as follows:
  • Everyone:
    Read the Aronson and Pinkney articles. What are the arguments for and against honoring books in specific cultural/social categories? What assumptions does each position rely on?
    Where do you stand in terms of the debate?
  • Small groups Award jigsaw: Research the following information for your assigned award. (Remember that information is on the slides from session 6 I’ve posted on angel, in case you can’t remember or weren’t in class.)
  • Is there an official website for the award?
  • Are there other resources that provide information about the award? (Sometimes libraries or author blogs feature information not available on the official sites.)
  • Why and when was this award created? What is the rationale for the award?
  • Selection criteria: What books, authors, illustrators are eligible? How are the books judged?
  • Who sponsors the award?
  • Selection committee: Who chooses the winners? How do you get on the committee? How transparent is the process?
  • Bring in books that have won or have been honored by the award. This will mean a trip to the library--you can coordinate this within your group.
  • How easy was it to find the books? Do they have seals or other indications that they are award winners?

It would be helpful if one person in the group could bring in a computer.

In class we'll teach each other about the awards, share books, and talk about the questions that our research raises. The "product" of your group work will be a collaborative post on your award. (Although you'll have time to work on this with your group, most of your research should be done in advance of class.)


Anonymous said...

Should the collaborative post for this assignment be posted before our next class or after? Could we all post individually instead after class based on the discussion we have during our session?

Claire Batt-Vandenburg said...

The collaborative post for the Awards jigsaw assignment will be worked on during class next week and posted after (or perhaps during class), but NOT before. Since it will be created collaboratively with your group, it will be posted that way as well, not individually. Thanks for checking--hope that is more clear.