Sunday, February 24, 2008

Session 8 -

This week we are looking at literature depicting people with disabilities. Our book discussion this week will be Al Capone Does My Shirts, by Gennifer Choldenko and to support our discussions and thinking on this topic, reading the articles by Tal (2001), by Williams and by Linton (1998). Remember that everyone is writing a Questioning the Text paper this week - should be posted by Tuesday, 6 pm.
  • For the Linton reading, consider Linton has to say about the power of language? What terminology do you prefer when discussing this topic? Why? What would it mean to read Al Capone Does my Shirts from a "disability studies framework? What types of questions would you ask about the representations in the text? How would you analyze those questions?
  • When reading the Tal and Williams articles. think about the many different ways people with disabilities have been portrayed in text? What criteria might one use to evaluate books that include people with disabilities? Is there anything you question about the criteria presented?

You might also want to check out Gennifer Choldenko's website and think how your thinking about Al Capone Does My Shirts is impacted by what you get to know about her.

About blogging:

  • Don't forget to post your groups summary of what you found out about the award you looked up if you haven't done that yet.
  • You could also choose to post a blog (one of your ten for the blog assignment) about your perspective on the awards issue we talked about in class.

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