Saturday, February 2, 2008

Session 5

This week in class we are discussing Habibi by Naomi Shihab Nye and looking at two different readings to support our study of Arab American literature.

  • The Al-Hazza and Lucking (2005) article provides a context for our discussion. Who are Arab Americans? How are they (mis)represented in the media? What are the implications for how we read a book like Habibi?
  • Al-Hazza (2006) provides an analysis of children's and adolescent literature? What do you notice about the types of books that are available that portray Arab Americans? What seems missing?

As you read Habibi, take note of what strikes you, what questions or concerns you have, anything you would like to bring to the discussion. The B's will be writing Questioning the Text papers this week, (and posting them in the drop box on angel by 6 pm Tuesday), but of course everyone will come to class prepared to discuss their impressions of the novel.

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