Friday, February 8, 2008

Session 6

This week we are reading Bronx Masquerade by Nikki Grimes. This novel is a bit different what we have read so far--it alternates between poetry and prose, and is told in about 17 different voices, with one main narrator. As you read, you might try reading some of the poems outloud, to really take in the poetry aspects. Pick a couple of the most that you find the most meaningful or interesting and would like to share and discuss in class.

The supporting articles we are reading this week are:
  • Woodson (1998): Here is yet another perspective on the insider/outsider debate. What does her voice add to the debate?
  • Martin (2004): What does she mean by the "double voicedness" of text? How is this "double voicedness" connected to the historical position of African Americans? Do any of the modes of discourse seem familiar? (You might draw on popular culture for examples or written texts.)


  • What can you learn about Nikki Grimes through internet research? Post any interesting resources in a blog entry.
  • Contribute a response to "How is blogging going?" by 6 pm the night before class

Group C:

  • Write a questioning the text paper and submit it to the Angel dropbox by 6 pm the night before class
  • Bring a hard copy of your paper to class

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