During session 7 read through the directions and rubric for the final project and I passed out a hard copy of these documents in class. They are also posted on Angel.) Here are some links that you might find helpful:
- Sample book review that models the format of the review: MLA citation, book cover, summary of book, critical component, labels. (Remember that "critical" can be a positive or negative evaluation. The important aspect is that you draw on our work in the class to thoughtfully consider the text as a piece of literature.)
- Sample professional/critical resource: Remember that this can be a review of a resource as a whole OR can be a post in which you share a focused idea/question from the resource.
- Link to "public site" at which you'll post one or more of your reviews. (Don't worry about this now, I'll provide directions on selecting and posting your final work later in the semester.)
- Although this is an optional post, you might want to write about why you are focusing on your topic and/or where you are "coming from" as a reader. Here's an example post from a student last term talking about her interests.
Remember you are welcome to work with other students with the same interests as you, sharing resources and giving each other feedback on the reviews you write. (You will still need to each select your own books and professional resources.) I will post a discussion board forum on each class sections Angel site, with a thread for each category, to make it easy to connect with other students who have chosen the same topic. (It's okay if you want to change your mind from what you originally signed up for--just let me know.)
Please post questions and comments about this project here. That way everyone will benefit from the discussion and responses that result from your questions.
It is difficult to find scholarly reviews for my books I have selected. I think this is because literature about characters that are deaf is a very narrow group. I like the books I have selected and believe they are quality books. What are your suggestions? I am willing to select a few different books, but I do not want to change all my selections.
First I would have to ask, where have you searched so far? I can't remember if it was you I suggested searching the resources mentioned in the Williams et al article, but that would be a good place to start, as well as looking at the University that holds the collection of literature portraying PWD discussed in the article. Also, have you searched in the library databases, (specifically children's literataure databases), or asked the reference librarian for help searching, as suggested in the assignment description? I am assuming you've already looked at the children's literature journals suggested in the assignment. One more general suggestion--have you looked at the link in the final project blog posting for professional/critical resource? Using that type of resource, that is not specific to your book, but still informs you on how to better review your books might be what you need. Let me know if you are still stuck after these suggestions.
If you do a mix, is the requirement 1 novel and 3 picture books?
That combo is fine Caitlin.
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